Who Are you? 5 Ways To Discover Your Identity In Christ

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Have you discovered your identity in Christ? Do you know whose image you represent? Knowing your Identity in Christ shapes how you see yourself. For a long time, you have placed your identity outside the word of God because when you peer in the mirror you still see that girl who murdered someone or that man who raped that girl. You have let the guilt beat you up so much that you fail to see the real picture.

It will interest you to know that you are not defined by your actions or what society labels you. There is one who sees you differently. The weight of guilt is no longer on your shoulders. Your burdens are no longer yours to carry.

On the cross, you were given a new life in Christ Jesus. The finished work on the cross rewrote your history, branded your present and secured your future. The old man was gone and you became a new man. Not just a new man but a new man in Christ Jesus.

This message should influence the knowledge you have of yourself. If the knowledge you have of yourself is outside the word of God that called you chosen, accepted, beloved, set apart, forgiven and the likes then you should discard the thought. You were bought at a costly price. The sacrifice on the cross gave you a new identity. This knowledge should be your solid foundation.

Your Identity in Christ is your image according to the finished works on the cross. Recall what 2 Corinthians 5:17 clearly stated and I quote, “Therefore, if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!” (Amplified Version).

 If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Through the cross, you were given a new life. Now, it doesn’t mean your name will change or your surname will change. Your name still remains Samuel Jackson. The difference it makes in your life is that you have acknowledged the fact that you are a new man in Christ Jesus and the old is made new.

You simply believe in Christ and what he has done for you. What did he do? What he did is summed up in the Gospel which is God’s acceptance of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and your belief in it. There is no other Gospel apart from this. If you believe in this Gospel according to John 3:16, the popular scripture we grew up memorizing, you will be saved.  

Do you still feel condemned for your actions? In Romans 8:1, we are assured that we are not condemned as believers rather we have been accepted and adopted by the beloved. 

“THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.” (Amplified Version).

In this blog post, I am going to show you five ways to discover your identity in Christ.


1.    Trapped in the past:

    Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash 

Your past is still knocking on your door and hasn’t left. You still see yourself through the lens of the past and not through the lens of the cross. There is a better mirror to see yourself and that mirror is the word of God. You are who God said you are so stop being trapped in the past. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation and a peculiar people called to show forth his praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, according to 1 Peter 2:9.

2.   Insecurities:

        Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash 

If you are insecure, you will never see yourself the way God sees you. Insecurity can blind you from seeing yourself through God’s lens. You feel you are not good enough or cannot amount to anything. You hide from the world instead of showing the world who your Father has called you to be. Dear believer, be secure in God. Find your rooting in His word but not the words of men. You are enough in Christ.

3.   Name-calling:

Many of us have subconsciously grown up with the words our friends and family called us. We see ourselves as these names and not what the word of God says about us. For a long time, this has made us suffer impostor syndrome because we still see ourselves according to these names. Guess what? Our Father has better names for us such as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people and a Holy nation. 

4.    Driven by the Guilt:

                   Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash 

Over time, I have learned that your guilt will block you from seeing the clearer picture. If you allow your guilt to get the better part of you, you won’t discover your Identity in Christ. It is normal to feel guilty but do not let it stop you from proclaiming who you are in Christ Jesus. When God looks at you, He doesn’t see the guilt but He sees His child, the one He sent His son to die for in a bid to be a new man in Christ. 

5.   Pride:

When you are proud, you put more confidence in yourself than in Christ. Your pride will blind your eyes from acknowledging the fact that on your own, you merited nothing but through the finished works of Jesus Christ, you have everything. Be humble to accept the fact that by yourself you can never be who God has called you to be. Your identity is found in Christ and not in your ability. It is God that empowers you and not yourself. 


Identity in Christ
Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer

Have you been thinking of how to discover your identity in Christ? Discovering your Identity in Christ is not difficult and I have explained five ways in which you can discover it.

1.   Break Free: 

Trapped in the past? It is time to break free because your past, present and future don’t define you in any way. The word of God is what defines you as a person. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross bought your freedom therefore, live in that reality today.

Breaking free most times isn’t easy and it seems like that bad past won’t just go away, this is why you should continually make confessions about your identity in Christ till it begins to look like your reality.

Apart from making confessions, discern the triggers that make you fall back to old habits, be very mindful of what you feed your spirit with, spend ample time in praying and studying of the Bible, be accountable to someone etc. You can break free! You have the power to live above sin, you are empowered for good works (Philippians 2:13).

2. Be Secure in God: 

Where does your source of confidence come from? Are you secure in God? Do you place your confidence in Him? Being secure in God is one of the ways of discovering your identity in Christ. If your esteem is not built on His word, you would always see yourself second-guessing who you are. Let your security and self-worth come from God and nothing outside of Him.

3.   Give yourself the Right Name:

You have given yourself the name others call you. Why not give yourself the right name? You are not a black sheep, you are not dull, you are not slow, you are not ugly etc. This doesn’t indicate you shouldn’t work in certain areas of your life that need personal development. It is very vital to place a balance on it.

4.  Move Past the Guilt: 

For how long would you keep feeling guilty? Move past the guilt and see how you can make your walk with God better and align with His image for you. If you keep dwelling in the guilt, you will never see the picture that God has designed for you.

5.    Be Humble: 

Humility is the first step to growth. Put your guard down and affirm that your identity is found in Christ and not of yourself. Lack of humility would always give you the impression that on your own, you are enough without Christ being in the picture.

Points to Note:

  • Your identity is found in Christ alone.
  • Events in your life do not define you.
  • The words of people do not define you, the word of God does.
  • Places you have visited do not define you.
  • What your family and friends say about you doesn’t define you.
  • Your identity is found only in Christ and His finished works on the cross.
  • Biblical affirmations never go out of fashion and they are better than worldly affirmations any day and anytime. Click here to watch 25 Biblical affirmations to build your confidence 
  • Your income level or social status doesn’t define you.

I hope you were blessed by this blog post? I am glad that you now know 5 ways to discover your Identity in Christ Jesus. Remember your identity lies in Christ Jesus and nothing else. I would appreciate your feedback on this post. Thank you for reading till this point. God bless you!

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  1. What The Gospel Is Not: 10 Misconceptions About The Gospel – Life of a Believer says:

    […] you believed in the message of this Gospel you became a saved man and you were given an Identity In Christ The Gospel made you a new man in Christ as indicated in 2 Corinthians […]

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