How To Deal With Anxiety: 8 Effective Tips That Helps

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ways to deal with anxiety

Anxiety is a major issue in the world. Statistics show that about 3.6  percent, which is equivalent to 264 million people around the world have anxiety disorder. A large number of people experience anxiety and in my own little way, I have written effective tips on how to deal with anxiety. These tips have been helpful to me and I hope they will be beneficial to you too.

In a world where we are all faced with daily financial pressures, decline in the economy, adverse weather climate, insecurity, racism, homicides, COVID-19 etc. it is normal for tension to rise and anxiety to set in. Here in Nigeria what makes the daily papers is Fulani Herdsmen attacks, kidnapping, Boko Haram bombing, increment in prices of products, insecurity etc.

We are in really difficult times and anxiety hits most of us because we worry every day for our lives. As a believer, there are ways to overcome anxious feelings which I will discuss as we go further into the post.

Dear believer, anxiety is an emotion we all deal with one way or the other. Several things can trigger an anxious feeling which includes: a problem you are currently facing, social issues around the world, bad news, a bad memory, the news etc.

Anxiety disorder can happen daily or on an occasional basis. If you are currently dealing with anxiety, I want you to know there is a solution for it.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a state of worry and panic. Anxiety is the act of being restless or troubled over a particular situation or happenings around you. It is often characterized by panic attacks, sleepless nights, restlessness, heavy breathing, overthinking etc.

10 Signs of Anxiety

There are signs you notice that can indicate you have anxiety and there are as follows:

  1. Over-thinking.
  2. Heavy-breathing.
  3. Constant panic attacks.
  4. Frequent sleepless nights.
  5. Intense worrying.
  6. Always feeling uneasy.
  7. Inability to focus.
  8. Profuse sweating.
  9. Nervousness.
  10. Tense muscles.


How To Deal With Anxiety

Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer

There are 8 effective tips on how to deal with anxiety as a believer and they are as follows:

1. Pray:

Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer  Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash

Firstly, before you pray about it, be honest about how you feel by admitting that you are dealing with anxiety and be intentional about dealing with it. After admitting it, you should pray about it because anxious feelings can creep up at any time.

When you are in that state of anxiety, it is very important to pray about it or confess words of affirmation in Christ Jesus. It mustn’t always be when you feel anxious that you pray because prayer is a devotion. As believers, we are instructed to always pray in (Romans 12:12).

2. Talk to Someone you Trust:

Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer Photo by Trung Thanh on Unsplash

 In your anxiety, talk to someone you trust or confide in about the situation you are facing. You can talk to your mentor, a very close friend of yours, your family etc. It is not best to bottle up the emotions you are feeling and it is best to talk to someone you trust about it. Don’t just conclude that no one will understand what you are going through, give it a try first. Talk to someone and make sure the person is mature and reasonable.

In communicating your anxious feelings, you get advice, people pray with you and for you, you are directed in things, you will feel at ease because you have opened up to someone about it etc. I know you can always pray to God about it but that doesn’t leave the aspect of talking to someone you trust. The truth of the matter is that if you let something out, it will relieve you. Good counsel comes from opening up about how you feel.

3. Recite Scriptures: 

Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Reciting scriptures to build up your emotions would go a really long way. Recite scriptures like Philippians 4:6-8 because it states that we should be anxious for nothing but with prayer and supplication we should make our requests known to God. When you tell yourself scriptures like this, you affirm them in your life. Other scriptures to recite are: 2 Timothy 1:7Isaiah 41:10 etc.

4. Acknowledge that you need Help:

 ‘You need help, we all do.’ Therefore, acknowledge that you need it. Admit the fact that by yourself, you can’t go through these anxious flames. Ask people you trust to help you and they can help you by talking to you, listening to you and rendering advice, praying for you and with you, reminding you of your Identity in Christ, recommending a Therapist for you etc.

5. Place your Trust in God:

In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are instructed to put our trust in God and lean not on your understanding because it will surely fail you. Trust in God to go through that phase with you. You cannot place your trust in man but in God, because He is the absolute best. When you put your trust in God and know that He will come through for you, He definitely will. He knows you better than anyone in this world and He is ready to be there for you through thick and thin, allow Him.

6. Identify your Triggers:

There is always a thought before an action, a cause before an effect. Before you do something outrageous, it has already been preconceived in your mind one way or the other. Identify the trigger which will resort to that anxious feeling by praying about it ahead of time, talking to someone before it blooms, seeking Medical help before time etc. Be rest assured that identifying your triggers will go a long way in your life.

7. Self-care: 

Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Observe self-care procedures because they are very essential for your personal development. For instance, Giving room for that one-week vacation from work, taking a walk around the beach, looking over the ocean, meditating, having a spa treatment, getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly etc.

These can help you in your anxiety phase because they distract you for a short while from the happenings in your life. It is highly recommendable to take practical steps to help you manage your anxiety problems.

8. Seek Medical Help:

Peace Anaekwe | Life of a Believer Photo by TienDat Nguyen on Unsplash

Seek medical care if you know your anxiety is extreme or you feel that it is beyond talking to people you trust about it. There are medical practitioners that deal with mental health issues. Therefore, seek medical care from either a Psychiatrist or a Therapist.

  Scriptures to help you in Anxious Times

  • Philippians 4:6-8: We are not to worry for anything but in everything with prayer and supplication our requests should be made known to God. This scripture is telling us to replace our worries with prayer and supplication and this is an instruction we should try and adhere to.

  • John 14:1: This scripture states that our hearts should not be troubled but rather as we should place our trust in Christ Jesus.

  • Luke 12:22: In this scripture, Jesus told His disciples that they should not think for their life, what they eat or put on. 

  • Proverbs 3:5-6: We are instructed to lean not on our reasoning but we should trust in the Lord and acknowledge him in all ways and He will direct our path.

  • John 14:27: The peace Jesus leaves with us is not as the world gives therefore, our hearts should not be troubled nor be afraid.

  • Isaiah 26:3: This scripture right here assures us that God will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. I love this scripture so much because many times we fail to focus our mind on God and it is always wandering in different places. 

  • Isaiah 41:10: We are not to fear or be dismayed for God is with us. He will definitely strengthen us and uphold us with His right hand of righteousness.

  • Psalms 4:8: David in his Psalms never ceased to stop talking about his trust in God and how God is his refuge. In this scripture, He indicated that the Lord will make Him dwell in safety.

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:16: We are told in this scripture that the Lord of peace will give us peace by all means and will be with us.

  • Philippians 4:8: Paul instructs us here to let our mind be vested on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and are of good report and if there be any virtue or praise we should think on these things.


 I hope this blog post gave you an insight into the effective tips on how to deal with anxiety as a believer because anxiety is a mental health issue that happens to everyone. If you are dealing with anxiety at the moment do not beat yourself up about it.

Every day there are problems that trigger our emotions and resort to anxiety but as believers when we sense that we are dealing with anxiety, we should know there are effective ways to tackle it. I would really appreciate your reviews and shares for this post.

Read Also: 7 Ways Christians Should Deal With Stress and Anxiety

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