Haven’t you wondered why it is so difficult for you to pray in the day and you give excuses? This happens because you don’t know how to make your prayer life effective. As believers, we know prayer does more in us than it does for us and this is why we put structures in place to see that our prayer life is getting better.
It is one thing to pray and it is another thing to stay praying and this is why in order not to leave praying to chance there are certain steps to take because It is pivotal to always pray. There are measures to follow to make sure that you have a consistent prayer life. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this because it is very necessary to take certain steps that keep our prayer life in check.
If you want to shed weight it won’t be possible, if you don’t exercise and maintain a healthy diet. It is not enough to say you want to lose weight; it is very important to do the needful to see it work.
In your prayer life, there are tips to follow to see your prayer life come to fruition, which are:
Below are practical steps to make your prayer life effective. They include:
1. Have a Place of Prayer:
I cannot overemphasize the importance of this because it is very necessary to have a place you have dedicated yourself to pray. This place should be one void of noise, a place where you are comfortable to freely converse with God. By taking this step, you won’t have problems looking for the perfect place to pray because you have already built an altar of prayer for yourself. This reminds me of the movie ‘War Room.’
I don’t know how many of you have watched it but the movie sets a centre stage for the kind of room we need to prepare ourselves to pray in. The benefits of this are that it makes you channel your focus when praying, It keeps you at ease, It enables you to be more expressive in praying, it allows you to pray longer.
2. Have a Prayer Time:
Time is money they say and the truth of the matter is that you invest your time on what matters most to you. It is very important to have a prayer time and I know it is hard keeping up with the time so set an alarm 30 minutes before you pray. By setting your alarm before your prayer time you are setting your mind to pray at that particular time. Just like how you plan for your business meetings, the same commitment is required in planning to pray at a particular time.
Most times, in our day we fail to have a time of praying and before you know it time is fast spent and we realise that we ended up not having our prayer time. The same attention you give to your work should be the same you give to your spiritual life. The spiritual aspect of your life requires more attention than any other aspect of your life.
3. Have a Prayer Structure:
In life, you have to put a structure to whatsoever you find yourself doing. Without having a structure, you are likely to fall into error and this also applies to your prayer life. If you do not set a structure for your prayers, you are going to pray aimlessly and why do I say so? It is very important to have a prayer point for each day and you may be thinking about what you should possibly pray about.
The truth of the matter is that there are a million and one things to pray about ,which are: family, friends, your country, the world etc. The list is simply endless because there are a lot of things to pray about. I strongly recommend that you get a journal where you share your thoughts, jot down your prayer points and other vital things you need to write because it serves as a reminder of what to pray for on that day.
4. Have a Prayer Playlist:
This point here depends on what best works for you but you can never go wrong if you create a song playlist that will help stir you up to pray longer. This is very important because recently I tried this method and it enabled me to pray better.
The songs on this album personally set the mood for me to pray. It is just like you are worshipping and a song is playing in the background. I am not saying songs should be your ginger to pray.
I am simply saying that it makes your prayer more effective and stirs you up to pray longer. The name of this album is ‘We Are Fire’ by ‘TY Bello’ I highly recommend you to download it because it will not only help your prayer life but edify you spiritually.
5. Have a Prayer Posture:
Posture is one good thing that will help you to be consistent in praying. Obtaining a posture for praying is very vital and should not be overlooked. Your posture matters a whole lot when praying. If you are in a comfortable position you might just sleep off eventually. Think of the best posture to adopt when you are praying because it is essential to do that.
Without having a prayer posture, your prayers will likely not be effective as you desire. A proper prayer posture makes you pray longer and better. Postures to take while praying include: pacing around, walking around, standing, sitting upright etc. Lying down while praying is not recommendable because you will just see yourself sleeping as you pray.
6. Have a Prayer Partner:
Sometimes you think you can pray on your own but trust me it will not 100% work for you and this is why you need a prayer partner. You need someone that will hold you accountable and vice versa. In the spirit of doing this, you are pushing each other to pray and you can never be wrong if you do this.
If you are wondering who to pray with, think of that person you are most comfortable with. It is also important to pray about the individual you want to pray with. Pray to get God’s leading and direction on who to choose to pray with you. If you are yet to get a prayer partner, pray about it and God will instruction you.
I have spoken about 6 tips on how to make your prayer life effective and for you to see positive result in your prayer life; you have to be disciplined, make sure you pray with someone you know and trust, have a mentor you are accountable to and more.
The key factor here is discipline because an effective prayer life cannot be built if you lack discipline. Discipline entails getting rid of all distractions to ensure you have a seamless prayer life.
1. Join Triumph 30 Prayers on YouTube:
On Mixlr, Triumph30 Prayers is hosted by Celebration Church International (CCI) on Monday – Sunday by 6 am, 12 pm, 8 pm and 3 am respectively. There is no excuse to miss prayers on this platform because it is hosted every day at different times.
2. Have Sermons and Books on Prayer:
It is not enough to pray but also it is vital to have materials on prayers that will help you in building your prayer life because this will keep you in check. I recommend my novel Triumph because it is about three friends who go through diverse challenges and instead of worrying, the three friends join hands together to pray. In this novel, you will see the need to consistently pray despite all odds.
3. Join a Praying Church:
The local church to which you belong is very essential because it plays a major role in your spiritual growth. If you are looking for a praying church, I highly recommend Celebration Church International. They have branches in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Lagos, UK, US, Canada etc. You can also stream their online service on YouTube, Celebration Church Int’l.
I hope you had an insightful read and I believe you know how to make your prayer life effective. It is not just about reading this post but also being intentional about your prayer life. I would appreciate your shares, likes and feedback on this post. I want to know how it has blessed and helped you build a better prayer life.
This blog post won’t have been successfully pieced together without the sermon Building A Prayer Altar. I highly recommend you to stream it. Have a blessed day!
[…] commitment not a hobby that we do when you feel like. This is why as believers we need to make our prayer life […]
[…] you are thinking of how to start praying. You can start praying by taking little steps to build your prayer life. Start by praying for about ten minutes a day then you can increase your time of prayer […]